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Inspiring trust

We recognise the value that comes with a reputation for reliability and credibility.

Acting with integrity

Integrity is one of our core values. We aim to inspire the trust of all our customers and stakeholders who are entitled to expect that we conduct all our activities in an open and transparent way. 

As a Western Australian Government Trading Enterprise, we always strive to ensure our performance meets the standards and expectations of the Government and our ultimate owners, the WA community. 

We work constantly to maintain a high level of governance and oversight mechanism to meet this expectation. 

Business ethics and values

Our values – Responsibility, Integrity, Safety and Excellence – are the standards we set ourselves and are at the heart of all our operations. 

We conduct our business in accordance with various internal codes of conduct and policies, while also monitoring new legislative requirements and expectations from our various stakeholders. 


Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing

We are a regulated reporting entity under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No 1) (Cth) (Rules) which are administered by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC). 

We take seriously our commitment to meet these obligations and have robust systems and processes in place to achieve this. 

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Responsible sourcing

We continue to enhance our responsible sourcing program across all of our supply chains. More than 99% of the gold doré that comes into our refinery is from largescale mining, and about 83% of this is from low-risk countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

The remaining 17% comes from mines in Africa and Papua New Guinea. We perform a site assessment of the suppliers who are classified as high risk to confirm their processes are secure, transparent, traceable, ethical and responsible.

This approach is welcomed by our suppliers as it is a mutually beneficial exercise that allows them to better understand their risks and work collaboratively to enhance their processes.

Find out more about our metal sourcing and compliance 

Modern slavery

The Perth Mint is committed to taking the necessary steps towards identifying and addressing the risk of modern slavery practices in our business operations and supply chains. 

We remain alert to the potential for modern slavery within our supply chains in various forms of exploitation, including trafficking, servitude, child labour, forced labour, debt bondage and deceptive recruiting. 

We have voluntarily published a Modern Slavery Statement since 2021. In 2023-24 we completed a modern slavery maturity self-assessment to assist with the development of our roadmap. In 2024-25 we will develop a three-year roadmap to strengthen our processes and controls. 

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