HERO sunset water web

Minimising environmental impacts

We manage our environmental impact and use natural resources efficiently.

Committed to the environment

As a government trading enterprise, The Perth Mint has a role to play in the Government of Western Australia’s commitment to preserve our natural environment and support the transition to a carbon neutral future.

We take a proactive approach to the management of our environmental risks and compliance with our legislative obligations, recognising our responsibility to minimise the impact of our operations on the natural environment.

Our approach includes commitment to meeting the expectations and requirements of all our stakeholders, including the communities in which we operate. 

Management systems

We recognise all aspects of refining, manufacturing and shipping of our products can have a significant impact on the environment if not well managed, and we have implemented an Environmental Management System to assess, monitor and improve our performance. 

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Greenhouse gas emissions

We have elected to voluntarily report scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions following the Australian National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) methodology as a measurement framework.  

We apply an operational control approach to set our organisational boundary (our emissions reporting boundary). This means our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions comprised activities over which we have direct operational control.  

In 2023-24, we engaged KPMG to perform independent limited assurance over our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions data. 

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2023-24 financial year emissions*

Scope 1


Scope 1

Stationary combustion



Scope 1

Transport fuels



Scope 1

Total scope 1



Scope 2

Location based emissions tCO2-e

Scope 2

Electricity consumption

Location based emissions tCO2-e


Scope 2

Total scope 2

Location based emissions tCO2-e


*tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Air quality

We are committed to preserving air quality in the areas where we operate. We are conscious of the potential for industrial processes, such as our refining and coining operations, to release pollutants into the atmosphere. We perform regular ambient and stack monitoring testing. 


Waste management

Appropriate waste segregation mechanisms are in place at our sites including separation of mixed recyclables, organic waste, general waste and, where appropriate, other waste streams such as Containers for Change, batteries, toners and cartridges.

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