Freedom of information

Pursuant to Part 5 of the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act) and guidelines issued by the Office of the Information Commissioner in January 2018, we have prepared an information statement.

The information below, in addition to information about Gold Corporation’s mission, structure, functions and enabling legislation found in the annual report, comprise the information statement.

Mission statement

It is our aim to make information available promptly and at the lowest possible cost. Wherever possible, documents will be provided outside the FOI process.

If information is not routinely available, the FOI Act provides the rights enabling the public to apply for documents held by Gold Corporation.

Documents held by the agency

Gold Corporation retains documents and files relating to its administration and business activities. A number of these documents can be inspected through an application under the FOI Act.

Documents which can be obtained free of charge include The Perth Mint brochures and catalogues, media statements and annual reports.

FOI exemption

A document is exempt if its disclosure would reveal information about:

  • gold or other precious metal received by Gold Corporation from a person or held by Gold Corporation on behalf of a person, on current account, certificate of deposit or fixed deposit; or
  • a transaction relating to gold or other precious metal received or held by Gold Corporation.

Operation of FOI

Access applications (for personal and non-personal applications) must:

  1. be in writing
  2. provide sufficient information to enable identification of the requested documents
  3. provide an Australian address to which notices can be sent
  4. be lodged at Gold Corporation, together with any application fee payable.

Applications will be acknowledged in writing and the applicant will be notified of the decision within 30 days (for personal information) or 45 days (non-personal information).

Applicants who are dissatisfied with a decision of Gold Corporation may request an internal review.

Applications for an internal review should be made in writing within 30 days of receiving the notice of decision. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review within 15 days.

Five applications were made to Gold Corporation under the FOI Act in 2022-23.

FOI enquiries or applications should be made to the:

Freedom of Information coordinator
Gold Corporation
310 Hay Street East Perth WA 6004

FOI Coordinator, Gold Corporation, 310 Hay Street, East Perth, WA 6004, telephone (61 8) 9421 7632, facsimile (61 8) 9221 7031 or email


Access to documents can be granted by way of inspection, a copy of a document, a copy of an audio or video tape, a computer disk, or a transcript of a recorded, shorthand or encoded document from which words can be reproduced.

The procedure for making an application for an amendment of personal information is the same as for an access application.


Gold Corporation is entitled to charge the following fees:

Personal information about the applicant 

No fee or charge

Application fee for non-personal information

AUD 30

Charge for time dealing with the application (per hour, or pro rata)

AUD 30

Access time supervised by staff (per hour or pro rata

AUD 30

Photocopying staff time (per hour, or pro rata) 

AUD 30

Per photocopy

AUD 0.20

Transcribing from tape, film or computer (per hour, or pro rata)

AUD 30

Duplicating a tape, film or computer (per hour, or pro rata) 

Actual cost

Delivery, packaging and postage

Actual cost